
RAYS' founder is working on many fronts; the goal is to release several publications of different kinds. Below is a partial list of the current and the work-in-progress publications.

Articles on Popular Magazines

Perche' le diete non funzionano (Why diets do not work?), published on Olympian's News (an Italian National Print Magazine), November 2013
Gli integratori servono davvero? (Do we really need dietary supplements?), on Olympian's News, January 2014
I grassi fanno davvero male? (Are fats really unhealthy?), on Olympian's News, March 2014
Colesterolo e sale sono davvero i nostri peggiori nemici? (Are cholesterol and salt truly our worst enemies?), on Olympian's News, May 2014
E se il glutine facesse male a tutti? (What if gluten could harm everybody?), on Olympian's News, July 2014

Articles for Scientific Journals

• Simple strategies to protect and improve the metabolic, cardiovascular, neurological, and cognitive health and performance in astronauts and in people living in prolonged isolation and confinement (work in progress)
• Several case reports (initial stage)
• Hypothetical ways to test the ER=EPR conjecture (work in progress – this is merely conjectural)


• A hypothetical speculation about the origin of the universe (work in progress)
• An update on some of the most recent advancements in nutritional sciences and dietetics, focusing specifically on how to orientate among the contradictory data that comes from different researches, proposing different types of diets, and how to distinguish between flawed studies, data, and conclusions and truly solid ones (initial stage)